30 January, 2011

Gilbert Sinoué

الحلم هو عقل رجلٍ واحد .. أما الواقع فهو جنون الجميع

Des jours et des nuits ou Le Rire de Sara*

26 January, 2011

19 January, 2011

17 January, 2011

When the Road Bends

I saw 3 fates, they all said I would die
If I sit and ponder, their words haunt me
I don't see a cure..
Blossom, little blossom
(Mugur, mugurel)


14 January, 2011

12 January, 2011

10 January, 2011

08 January, 2011

The Stooges

another year with nothing to do

No Fun

06 January, 2011

Love is Colder Than Death


"Everyone must decide for himself whether it is better to have a brief but more intensely felt existence or to live a long and ordinary life."

04 January, 2011

La Notte

"When I awoke this morning, you were still asleep. As I awoke I heard you gentle breathing. I saw you closed eyes beneath wisps of stray hair and I was deeply moved. I wanted to cry out, to wake you, but you slept so deeply, so soundly. In the half light you skin gloved with life so warm and sweet. I wanted to kiss it, but I was afraid to wake you. I was afraid of you awake in my arms again. Instead, I wanted to something no one could take from me, mine alone...this eternal image of you. Beyond your face I saw a pure, beautiful vision showing us in the perspective of my whole life, all the years to come, even all the years past. That was the most miraculous thing: to feel for the first time that you had always been mine, that this night would go on for ever, united with your warmth, your thought, your will. At that moment I realized how much I loved you. I wept with the intensity of the emotion, for I felt that this must never end, we would remain like this all our lives, not only close, but also belonging to each other, in a way that nothing could ever destroy, except the apathy of habit, the only threat. Then you wakened and, smiling, put your arms around me, kissed me, and I felt there was nothing to fear. We would always remain as we were at that moment, bound by stronger ties than time and habit."

finale scene